sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Members from our network got outstanding results in CET 2014

We are so proud to share some big news with our community! The Shining Network, through its current members, established a serious commitment in relation to allowing their students to compete in the different English tournaments that are yearly held in the region, this is how this year 9 of our colleagues took the determination to compete in the highly anticipated first version of the Cervantes English Tournament and the results were quite good.

We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to:
The ones that competed in this year's Song Festival:
Pamela Baeza, who reached the 8th place
Rodrigo Castillo, that got the 3rd place in the competition
Yiscela Cabrera, who almost reached the top when getting the 2nd place in the category
and Lorena Bonilla, who was the winner of the coveted title with her students.

The ones that competed in the Spelling Bee Contest:
Patricia Pizarro, who finished in the 20th place and 17th place in the contest
Yiscela Cabrera, who got the 13th place and 10th place with her students
Miguel Seura, who reached with his students the 8th and 6th place
and Rodrigo Castillo who finished 3rd with his student Natalia Quintela.

The teachers that competed in the Public Speaking Competition
Karina Vejar, who got the 5th place in this category
Diana Marambio, that reached the 4th and 3rd place with her students
and José Rodriguez that won this year's competition with his student Valentina Araos.

and last but not least, the ones that competed in the Poetry Competition
Rodrigo Castillo that finished 6th place in this category
José Rodriguez who reached the 3rd place
and Karina Vejar that became this year's winner when training Alexandra Uribe.

The Shining Network is really pleased to know that one of our goals is being pursued and continuosly developed by our current members, we are sure that in the years to come the results will be even better and that is something to be proud of.

2 comentarios:

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación