martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Our lined structured organisation

The organisation of a group is one important element of the management process. The structure itself acts as the foundation on which the whole super-structure of management is built. The term 'Organisation' is derived from the word 'organism' which means a structure of body divided into parts that are held together. This is how the division of work, authority and the establishment of relationships among individuals or groups are possible due to the organisation structure.

An organisation deals with a number of elements which defines the relationships between the members of a group and also defines the degree of authority and responsibility of each person in the organisation. In other words, organisation clarifies relationships and provides a framework within all managerial actions take place.

Taking the previously mentioned ideas, our network has been recognized from the very beginning as a group of teachers ruled under a lined organisation structure represented by Karina Vejar (First coordinator) followed by José Rodriguez (Assessor and Consultant) in the year 2014.

The organisation involves the following aspects: Identifying the activities required to achieve organizational objectives, Grouping up of these activities into workable units, Assigning duties and responsibilities and Delegating authority necessary and useful for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned.

The Shining Network


1 comentario:

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación