domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

The Shining network- Our coordinator attended an exclusive workshop.

On March 18th, PIAP hosted the kickoff of the Champion Teachers 2016.
An initiative that started in 2013 in collaboration with The British Council, and in which more than 60 teachers along the country have completed Exploratoty Action Research projects under the guidance of a mentor.
This year only four teachers were selected and represented the 4th region, and do you know who was there? Yes, Shining network was there!! Our current coordinator Karina Vejar was one of the lucky teachers with Rosa Cortes, Karina Vasquez and Claudia Boniche.
This event  consisted  in a day-long workshop provided by Dr Richard Smith (University of Warwick) and Dr Paula Rebolledo (PIAP).
Through practical sessions, teachers  had the chance to critically explore their classroom situation through Exploratory Action Research (EAR) which could help them address constraints in their contexts and actively seek lasting solutions. All of this with the purpose of improving classroom practices and enhancing students’ learning experiences. This was one of the continuing professional development opportunities PIAP  committed to provide in order to better the teaching and learning of EFL in Chile.
We are so proud that our coordinator had the privilege of attending a selective and unique event.

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    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación