sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

The Shining Network - Internal Public Speaking Competition 2015

To the community:

We are really pleased to announce that for the second time, our network will organize the Internal Public Speaking Competition, an exclusve event particularly directed to those associated schools of our network!

In this 2nd version, we are happy to extend the invitation to all those students willing to compete in this meaningful event that pursues to provide an opportunity for students to show their abilities regarding the English language subject!

This interesting event will be held on September, Friday 25th in Los Clarines 2201, Sindempart - Coquimbo, so we extend the invitation for those who want to come in order to support their candidates by clicking in here in, to get the latest updates and information about the event.

RDI The Shining Network

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    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación