domingo, 26 de julio de 2015

The Shining Network - Karina and Patricia at this year's British Council Workshop

On July 23rd The English Open Doors Program (PIAP) together with the British Council Chile organized a workshop called “Material selection, adaptation and design” that was given by Nicolas Dantaz at Liceo Ignacio Carrera Pinto in La Serena.

We are so pleased to announce that our network was in! as it was represented by two of our enthusiastic members Patricia Leiva and Karina Vejar, who shared with other teachers and learned about topics related to the use of materials and coursebook in our Chilean educational reality such as: Language teaching materials, materials evaluation and selection, among others. “The PIAP program should continue doing this kind of workshop in the future. We had a lot of fun! We enjoyed a lot and learned in a dynamic way” said Karina Vejar.

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    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación