domingo, 26 de julio de 2015

The Shining Network - Current members attended an exclusive Winter Workshop

On July, 15th some of our current members attended an exclusive Winter Workshop given by Lucrecia Prat Gay. The workshop called "Forget the common classroom: A creative brain-friendly lesson is possible" was held in the main hall of Trinity School and counted with the valuable collaboration of the Oxford University Press, Books & Bits and Libreria Inglesa as its sponsors. 

In that occassion, Priscila Castellani, José Espinoza and Tamara Ledezma had the priviledge of interacting with teachers coming from all across the region and had a blast in there! "I found it very interesting, I was engaged with the different topics during the two hours" mentioned Priscila. Our coordinator, José Espinoza, showed himself very enthusiastic as well, mentioning the following: "I love this kind of things, you always get to learn something new... and it was not an exception"

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