martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

The Shining Network - Meetings 2015

Our 2015's working plan counts with 10 different meetings that are supposed to be held all year through. Take a look at some information extracted from our meetings in the information given below:

Month: MARCH, 2015
Welcoming speech from the General Coordinator of the Host School for the year 2015, General Allignments (Internal reglamentation and compromise letter), Delivery of some material coming from the PIAP, Official group photoshoot.

Month: APRIL, 2015
New allignments and reglamentations coming directly from the PIAP, First discussion about the new politics in relation to the educational reform, Conversation: The English language teacher's role in the 21st century.

Month: MAY, 2015
Informative coming from the PIAP, Upcoming English language tournaments. Conversation: Educational Reform. Presentation: Cambridge English Language Examinations by José Rodriguez (Download the presentation for free!)

Month: JUNE, 2015
Information about the 2015's National Meeting of ETN Coordinators held in Concepción. Information about FEP Inglés, ToT Project, The PME and its implications at schools, RDIs Financing Plan for the year 2015, English language development programmes for Teachers and Students.

Month: JULY, 2015

Month: AUGUST, 2015

MonthSEPTEMBER, 2015

Month: OCTOBER, 2015

Month: NOVEMBER, 2015

Month: DECEMBER, 2015

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