domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Members attended an exclusive seminar in Universidad de La Serena

We are really pleased to announce that some of our members attended an exclusive seminar held in Universidad de La Serena for some weeks in a row. Jillian Haeseler, who is in charge of the Fullbright Program, was the one in charge of teaching 9 different lessons focused on the topic "Teaching English as a Second Language".

The members from our network that took the determination of attending these interesting lessons were Magaly Rojas, Patricia Leiva, Miguel Seura, Diana Marambio and Yiscela Cabrera. "All lessons were truly fun! The teacher gave us some really good pieces of advices regarding teaching techniques and strategies" mentioned Miguel Seura.

It is important to mention that all certifications will be given on Friday - December, 05th in a special ceremony that will be carried out by people from Universidad de La Serena.

1 comentario:

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación