jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

The Shining Network - Current members about to compete in the Cervantes English Tournament 2014

As our network was selected to be a media partner for this year's Cervantes English Tournament, some of our members took the determination of competing into this highly anticipated new English event that is going to be held the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October. 

The tournament itself is composed by 4 categories, the Song Festival, Spelling Bee Contest, Public Speaking Competition and the Poetry Competition, all of them directed to students. In this ocassion, we are extremely proud to announce that most of our members are involved at least in one of them! In this sense, we want to extend the best of lucks to: 

Pamela Baeza, who will compete in the Song Festival.
Lorena Bonilla, who will compete in the Song Festival
Yiscela Cabrera, who will compete in the Song Festival and Spelling Bee
Patricia Pizarro, who will compete in the Spelling Bee
Rodrigo Castillo, who will compete in the Song Festival, Spelling Bee and Poetry Competition
Diana Marambio, who will compete in the Public Speaking Competition
José Rodriguez, who will compete in the Public Speaking and Poetry Competition
Miguel Seura, who will compete in the Spelling Bee and Public Speaking Competition
and Karina Veja who whill compete in the Public Speaking and Poetry Competition

We as a team, are completely sure that the students under our members' training are going to perform at their best in the disciplines mentioned above. Congratulations for having the determination of competiting into an event with such characteristics.

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