martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Our lined structured organisation

The organisation of a group is one important element of the management process. The structure itself acts as the foundation on which the whole super-structure of management is built. The term 'Organisation' is derived from the word 'organism' which means a structure of body divided into parts that are held together. This is how the division of work, authority and the establishment of relationships among individuals or groups are possible due to the organisation structure.

An organisation deals with a number of elements which defines the relationships between the members of a group and also defines the degree of authority and responsibility of each person in the organisation. In other words, organisation clarifies relationships and provides a framework within all managerial actions take place.

Taking the previously mentioned ideas, our network has been recognized from the very beginning as a group of teachers ruled under a lined organisation structure represented by Karina Vejar (First coordinator) followed by José Rodriguez (Assessor and Consultant) in the year 2014.

The organisation involves the following aspects: Identifying the activities required to achieve organizational objectives, Grouping up of these activities into workable units, Assigning duties and responsibilities and Delegating authority necessary and useful for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned.

The Shining Network


domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Members attended an exclusive seminar in Universidad de La Serena

We are really pleased to announce that some of our members attended an exclusive seminar held in Universidad de La Serena for some weeks in a row. Jillian Haeseler, who is in charge of the Fullbright Program, was the one in charge of teaching 9 different lessons focused on the topic "Teaching English as a Second Language".

The members from our network that took the determination of attending these interesting lessons were Magaly Rojas, Patricia Leiva, Miguel Seura, Diana Marambio and Yiscela Cabrera. "All lessons were truly fun! The teacher gave us some really good pieces of advices regarding teaching techniques and strategies" mentioned Miguel Seura.

It is important to mention that all certifications will be given on Friday - December, 05th in a special ceremony that will be carried out by people from Universidad de La Serena.

The Shining Network - Our Coordinator in the 2nd National Encounter of ETN Coordinators

For three days in a row, all Encargados Regionales de Inglés (ERIs) and Coordinators from the English Teacher Networks recognized by the Ministry of Education through the English Opens Doors Program gathered together in Concepción to share their experiences related to English language development and also to attend to different workshops in this 2nd National Encounter. 

The appointment was held in Hotel El Dorado and counted with the participation of over 150 teachers from all over the country and in this truly meaningful occasion, our network was represented by our current coordinator Karina Vejar, who showed herself really pleased and excited to have had the opportunity of meeting people that are truly advocated to improve the weaknesses that the process of teaching English as a foreign language has.

The people in charge of giving the workshops included, Sofia Brunner, Rodrigo de las Heras, Martha Epperson, Graeme Malderez and Ricardo Contreras among others, this last one mentioned that this encounter was mainly created with the purpose of providing a chance of interaction for members from all over the country to share their experiences and to suggest new ideas for future changes in the English Opens Doors Program.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Thanks for everything Lindsay Clark!

The Shining Network is really happy to have shared precious moments with someone who has encouraged every single student from Colegio Gabriela Mistral in developing the linguistic skills carried out when learning English language. We want to acknowledge in this ocassion all work performed and brought into life by Lindsay Clark during the year 2014, while working for the Ministry of Education through the National Volunteer Center of the English Open Doors Program. Thanks for everything Lindsay!
RDI The Shining Network

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - New host school and coordinator announced for the year 2015

We are extremely proud to announce that The Shining Network is having two big changes for next year; The first one is related to the host school, so even though we are extremely happy and thankful because of everything that has been given and provided by Colegio Gabriela Mistral in this first year of meetings, from next year on all meetings will be held in another associated institution, in this case Colegio Cristobal Colón was chosen by the members to be the place in which all our encounters will take place. Lorena Bonilla, who is the English language teacher in there, showed herself really excited to have the possibility of bringing home our meetings as it represents a big challenge for her and her entire school. And the second change relies in the fact that for next year, and after being elected by his former colleagues, José Rodriguez assumes the 2015's coordination of The Shining Network, so he will be in charge of planning everything that is coming in the next meetings as well as taking the responsibility of being the direct conduct between the members of the network and the English Opens Doors Program. Great news!

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Members from our network got outstanding results in CET 2014

We are so proud to share some big news with our community! The Shining Network, through its current members, established a serious commitment in relation to allowing their students to compete in the different English tournaments that are yearly held in the region, this is how this year 9 of our colleagues took the determination to compete in the highly anticipated first version of the Cervantes English Tournament and the results were quite good.

We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to:
The ones that competed in this year's Song Festival:
Pamela Baeza, who reached the 8th place
Rodrigo Castillo, that got the 3rd place in the competition
Yiscela Cabrera, who almost reached the top when getting the 2nd place in the category
and Lorena Bonilla, who was the winner of the coveted title with her students.

The ones that competed in the Spelling Bee Contest:
Patricia Pizarro, who finished in the 20th place and 17th place in the contest
Yiscela Cabrera, who got the 13th place and 10th place with her students
Miguel Seura, who reached with his students the 8th and 6th place
and Rodrigo Castillo who finished 3rd with his student Natalia Quintela.

The teachers that competed in the Public Speaking Competition
Karina Vejar, who got the 5th place in this category
Diana Marambio, that reached the 4th and 3rd place with her students
and José Rodriguez that won this year's competition with his student Valentina Araos.

and last but not least, the ones that competed in the Poetry Competition
Rodrigo Castillo that finished 6th place in this category
José Rodriguez who reached the 3rd place
and Karina Vejar that became this year's winner when training Alexandra Uribe.

The Shining Network is really pleased to know that one of our goals is being pursued and continuosly developed by our current members, we are sure that in the years to come the results will be even better and that is something to be proud of.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

The Shining Network - Current members about to compete in the Cervantes English Tournament 2014

As our network was selected to be a media partner for this year's Cervantes English Tournament, some of our members took the determination of competing into this highly anticipated new English event that is going to be held the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October. 

The tournament itself is composed by 4 categories, the Song Festival, Spelling Bee Contest, Public Speaking Competition and the Poetry Competition, all of them directed to students. In this ocassion, we are extremely proud to announce that most of our members are involved at least in one of them! In this sense, we want to extend the best of lucks to: 

Pamela Baeza, who will compete in the Song Festival.
Lorena Bonilla, who will compete in the Song Festival
Yiscela Cabrera, who will compete in the Song Festival and Spelling Bee
Patricia Pizarro, who will compete in the Spelling Bee
Rodrigo Castillo, who will compete in the Song Festival, Spelling Bee and Poetry Competition
Diana Marambio, who will compete in the Public Speaking Competition
José Rodriguez, who will compete in the Public Speaking and Poetry Competition
Miguel Seura, who will compete in the Spelling Bee and Public Speaking Competition
and Karina Veja who whill compete in the Public Speaking and Poetry Competition

We as a team, are completely sure that the students under our members' training are going to perform at their best in the disciplines mentioned above. Congratulations for having the determination of competiting into an event with such characteristics.

The Shining Network - Colegio Cervantes wins the 1st version of the RDI TSN Internal Public Speaking Competition

On September, 25th the 1st version of the RDI TSN's Internal Public Speaking Competition was held in the Main Room of Colegio Gabriela Mistral located in El Llano, Coquimbo. In that ocassion 3 finalists had to perform at their best when exposing about a free topic in front of the panel of judges composed by three English language teachers, 

The event which gathered an audience of over 100 people, also counted with the incredible participation of Sergio Perez, a 2nd grade student, who performed Michael Jackson's hit single Billie Jean and also was characterized by the amazing support given by the directory of the host school. 

That is how after a peaceful, quiet and captivating round of speeches, oral expositions and the release of the network's website, the results were the following ones:

1st Place
Colegio Cervantes

2nd Place
Colegio Gabriela Mistral

3rd Place
Colegio Lambert

The organizers involved in the event showed themselves really happy, as they fulfilled the expectations set by the own members of the network. "I do consider that this is just the beginning of something big as we are willing to keep on working in order to show that ideas shiner brighter in here" mentioned José Rodriguez.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

The Shining Network - Internal Public Speaking Competition 2014

To the community:

We are really pleased to announce that for the very first time, our network will carry out the first version of the Internal Public Speaking Competition, an event particularly directed to those schools officially inscribed in our network, in order to train their students to compete in the Cervantes English Tournament, which is an event coming in October and that is being promoted and supported by our group of teachers.

In this 1st version, we are happy to count with the following participants:
José Arias - Colegio Gabriela Mistral, Coquimbo / Teacher in charge: Karina Vejar
Priscila Torres - Colegio Lambert - La Serena / Teacher in charge: Miguel Seura
Valentina Araos - Colegio Cervantes - La Serena / Teacher in charge: José Rodriguez 
Colegio San Luis - Coquimbo / Teacher in charge: Rodrigo Castillo

This interesting event will be held on September, 25th at 3.30pm in Abtao 66, El Llano - Coquimbo, so we extend the invitation for those who want to come in order to support their candidates by clicking in here in order to get the latest updates and information about the event.

RDI The Shining Network

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

The Shining Network - Join Our Team

Everyone who is easy going, adaptable, cooperative, passionate, dedicated, determined, joyful, kind, active, respectful, and passionate about teaching is very welcome to join our team.
Our application period to join our network is on!

Write an e-mail to 
including a brief text explaining the reasons why you are interested on joining our team, including also your full name and school in which you work (in case you are already working)
Still doubting about applying? This could be the time of your life! 
Make sure to click over the following links to know more information about our network. 



The Shining Network - 2014 Members


Pamela Baeza
English Language Teacher graduated from Instituto Profesional Valle Central
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Santa María de Belén

Lorena Bonilla
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Headteacher in the English Language Department from Colegio Cristobal Colón

Yiscela Cabrera
English Language Teacher graduated from Instituto Profesional Valle Central
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral

Patricia Pizarro
English Language Teacher graduated from Instituto Profesional Valle Central
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Marista Nuestra Señora de Andacollo

Rodrigo Castillo
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad del Mar
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio San Luis

Tamara Ledezma
English Language Teacher candidate from Universidad Pedro de Valdivia

Patricia Leiva
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral

Diana Marambio
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Golden Hind School

José Rodriguez
English Language Teacher candidate from Universidad Pedro de Valdivia
Current English Language Teacher and Trainer in Colegio Cervantes

Magaly Rojas
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral

Miguel Seura
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de Atacama
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Lambert
Lecturer in Instituto Profesional Valle Central

Karina Vejar
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral
2014's Coordinator*

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

The Shining Network - Associated Schools

Our English teachers network, is truly proud to extend some acknowledgements to the schools that have allowed their teachers to join into this amazing proyect. We are happy to count with your valuable collaboration and continuing support for the year 2015.

The Shining Network - Meetings 2014

Our 2014's working plan counts with almost 10 different meetings that are set to be held all year through. Take a look at some information extracted from our meetings in the information given below:

Month: MAY, 2014
General allignments about the memberships and the forthcoming activities. Members got to meet each other by asking random questions and got to know the different benefits that carries out the fact of being a member from a teachers network.

Month: JUNE, 2014
First interactive session: Teaching in Mexico - Didactics
Official information about the upcoming tournaments and the continuous development programs for English language teachers (Scholarships and Post-Degrees)

Month: JULY, 2014
No Meeting Held.

Month: AUGUST, 2014
Second interactive session: Inversions in English Language - Grammar
General information coming from the Ministry of Education in charge of Maria Cecilia Santander.

Month: SEPTEMBER, 2014
Informative session about the 1st version of the Internal Public Speaking Competition, upcoming meetings. English tournaments from the region (Including CET, ITN ET, and ROTARY) General information coming from the English Opens Doors Program.

Month: OCTOBER, 2014
No Meeting Held.

Month: NOVEMBER, 2014
Third interactive session: Teaching English as a Second Language in the USA - Didactics
2015s Application Process to get into the network, Group evaluation about the members' performance in the past tournaments, New allignments and rules about the network for the year 2015, compromise letter to the associated schools and Elections: host school and coordinator for the next year.

Month: DECEMBER, 2014
Fourth interactive session: Strong and Weak forms - Phonetics
2014's closing meeting, Evaluation of new applicants and selection of new members, Exercises with FCE sample papers (Individual work), Sharing the materials provided by the British Council and Information about the 2nd National Encounter of ETN Coordinators.

The Shining Network - Nuestra Red

La RDI The Shining Network, es una red de docentes de Inglés reconocida por el Ministerio de Educación a través del Programa Inglés Abre Puertas con fecha Mayo del 2014, en donde profesores de diversos colegios de La Serena y Coquimbo unen fuerzas para intercambiar estrategias y experiencias relacionadas a la enseñanza del idioma Inglés. 

Nuestra red de docentes, esta actualmente compuesta por 8 colegios de la zona, los que están siendo representados por los siguientes profesores:

Karina Vejar
Yiscela Cabrera
José Rodriguez
Miguel Seura
Patricia Pizarro
Patricia Leiva
Lorena Bonilla
Tamara Ledezma
Rodrigo Castillo
Pamela Baeza
Magaly Rojas
Diana Marambio

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación