sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017


The Shining Network - Our host school and coordinator have been officially announced for the year 2017!
Today, the very first meeting of The Shining Network was held. During the meeting the members of network discussed many relevant topics and made very important decisions. 
First and foremost we would like to announce that all the present members decided to name Karina Vejar as our coordinator for the year 2017! Miss Vejar already assumed this role on 2016, and we must say that she did a remarkable job and all her hard work really inspired the rest of the network. She will take this position all year round.

Furthermore, we want to welcome two new members, both of them are English teachers: Miss Sofía Rojas, who joined the network in the middle of 2016; and Mister Alexis Galarce, who has joined us this year. Sofía works at Colegio G

eronimo Rendic, whereas Alexis works at Colegio Rakiduam. Welcome to our team guys! We're sure you're a great addition!
In relation to the previous point, as is traditional, The Shining Network is overjoyed to announce Colegio Geronimo Rendic as the Host School for the year 2017, what it means that all of our meetings will be held place in this institution. Miss Sofía Rojas, who is a teacher there showed herself extremely animated to have the meetings in La Serena for the very first time.

Last but not least, we also discussed about the proyects we have for this year. Everyone brought something different to the table, very good ideas came up. But it's still a secret so stay tuned for more news!

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