viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

The Shining Network - New host school and coordinator were officially announced!

Unanimous was the decision made during the last meeting of the year 2015 in which all our members decided to name Karina Vejar as the new coordinator for the year 2016! Karina already took this role on 2014 when the network was founded and carried out a pretty positive role during that time. Karina will be assuming that position from March on and will take it for a year in a row, just like José Espinoza did during the year 2015.

On the other hand, as done every single year, The Shining Network is also extremely happy to announce Colegio Gabriela Mistral as the Host School for the year 2016, it means that all of the meetings of this year will take place there. Karina, who is also a teacher in the institution showed herself very excited to have the meetings back into the place in which the network was orginally founded. Terrific news!

The Shining Network - Current members got great results in the ITN English Tournament 2015

2015 was by far an incredible year for our network as it was proudly awarded by the incredible performances of the students that were trained by some of our members. This is how José Espinoza and Karina Vejar brought home new achievements they got with their students in the 6th version of the ITN English Tournament, an event held in Francis School from Coquimbo. 

In that oportunity our colleagues got the following places: 3rd Place in Spelling Bee Contest (Karina Vejar's student) and 1st Place in the same contest (Jose Espinoza's student). Congratulations on both members, you did a great job training your students! 

The Shining Network - Our 2015's coordinator visits the EnglishExpo UC

José Espinoza, the 2015's coordinator of our network, had the priviledge of attending this year's EnglishExpo UC held in Centro de Extensión de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile some weeks ago. In that ocassion, José attended several lectures including some given by lecturers from Universidad Católica proposing several strategies to effectively teach English in Chilean educational realities. "It was such an incredible experience... I certainly had so much fun analizing information presented by colleagues of the area" mentioned José.

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación