jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

The Shining Network - Current members about to compete in the Cervantes English Tournament 2014

As our network was selected to be a media partner for this year's Cervantes English Tournament, some of our members took the determination of competing into this highly anticipated new English event that is going to be held the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October. 

The tournament itself is composed by 4 categories, the Song Festival, Spelling Bee Contest, Public Speaking Competition and the Poetry Competition, all of them directed to students. In this ocassion, we are extremely proud to announce that most of our members are involved at least in one of them! In this sense, we want to extend the best of lucks to: 

Pamela Baeza, who will compete in the Song Festival.
Lorena Bonilla, who will compete in the Song Festival
Yiscela Cabrera, who will compete in the Song Festival and Spelling Bee
Patricia Pizarro, who will compete in the Spelling Bee
Rodrigo Castillo, who will compete in the Song Festival, Spelling Bee and Poetry Competition
Diana Marambio, who will compete in the Public Speaking Competition
José Rodriguez, who will compete in the Public Speaking and Poetry Competition
Miguel Seura, who will compete in the Spelling Bee and Public Speaking Competition
and Karina Veja who whill compete in the Public Speaking and Poetry Competition

We as a team, are completely sure that the students under our members' training are going to perform at their best in the disciplines mentioned above. Congratulations for having the determination of competiting into an event with such characteristics.

The Shining Network - Colegio Cervantes wins the 1st version of the RDI TSN Internal Public Speaking Competition

On September, 25th the 1st version of the RDI TSN's Internal Public Speaking Competition was held in the Main Room of Colegio Gabriela Mistral located in El Llano, Coquimbo. In that ocassion 3 finalists had to perform at their best when exposing about a free topic in front of the panel of judges composed by three English language teachers, 

The event which gathered an audience of over 100 people, also counted with the incredible participation of Sergio Perez, a 2nd grade student, who performed Michael Jackson's hit single Billie Jean and also was characterized by the amazing support given by the directory of the host school. 

That is how after a peaceful, quiet and captivating round of speeches, oral expositions and the release of the network's website, the results were the following ones:

1st Place
Colegio Cervantes

2nd Place
Colegio Gabriela Mistral

3rd Place
Colegio Lambert

The organizers involved in the event showed themselves really happy, as they fulfilled the expectations set by the own members of the network. "I do consider that this is just the beginning of something big as we are willing to keep on working in order to show that ideas shiner brighter in here" mentioned José Rodriguez.

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