domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

The Shining Network- Current members attended a workshop at La Serena University.

We are so delighted to announce that our network was exclusively invited to attend this workshop on May 20th. This was called “Ideas to practice Oral skills with teenagers” given by Miss Marian Neira, current lecturer in La Serena University.

Our members Karina Vejar, Jamilet Pizarro and our new one Sofia Rojas were so enthusiastic to share experiences, strategies and activities with other teachers from different network of the region.

Thanks to Claudia Boniche and Patricia Castillo from Masternet for the invitation. 

The Shining Network- Current members attended an exclusive teachers network workshop.

On may 19th The rainbow network organized a workshop called “teaching vocabulary using ECRIF format” This was given by Sandra Carvajal Reinoso who was awarded a scholarship to Costa Rica by FEP plan. Besides, this event was organized exclusively for members of different networks of the region. And our network was present with the current coordinator Karina Vejar and Jamilet Pizarro who received an important gift!!

Thanks to Sandra and her network for the invitation!!

The Shining Network- 2016 Members


Pamela Baeza
English Language Teacher graduated from Instituto Profesional Valle Central
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Santa María de Belén

Lorena Bonilla
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Headteacher in the English Language Department from Colegio Cristobal Colón

Tamara Ledezma
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad Pedro de Valdivia
Current English Language Teacher in Grand Mozard Kindergarten

Patricia Leiva
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Parroquial de Andacollo

Jamilet Pizarro
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Parroquial de Andacollo

Magaly Rojas
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral

Sofia Rojas
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Geronimo Rendic

Miguel Seura
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de Atacama
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Lambert
Lecturer in Instituto Profesional Valle Central

Karina Vejar
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral
*2016's Coordinator

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

The Shining Network- Maya Nair Noonan One of The Judges at Gabriela Mistral English tournament 2016

Maya Noonan is a current participant in the English Opens Doors Program, and is teaching English classes at Colegio de Artes Claudio Arrau. Maya is from the United States (New York City) and arrived to Chile for the first time in August of 2015 to learn Spanish, teach English, and to get to know a new country and education system. She has enjoyed Chile so much that she hasn't left yet!

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

The Shining network- Our coordinator attended an exclusive workshop.

On March 18th, PIAP hosted the kickoff of the Champion Teachers 2016.
An initiative that started in 2013 in collaboration with The British Council, and in which more than 60 teachers along the country have completed Exploratoty Action Research projects under the guidance of a mentor.
This year only four teachers were selected and represented the 4th region, and do you know who was there? Yes, Shining network was there!! Our current coordinator Karina Vejar was one of the lucky teachers with Rosa Cortes, Karina Vasquez and Claudia Boniche.
This event  consisted  in a day-long workshop provided by Dr Richard Smith (University of Warwick) and Dr Paula Rebolledo (PIAP).
Through practical sessions, teachers  had the chance to critically explore their classroom situation through Exploratory Action Research (EAR) which could help them address constraints in their contexts and actively seek lasting solutions. All of this with the purpose of improving classroom practices and enhancing students’ learning experiences. This was one of the continuing professional development opportunities PIAP  committed to provide in order to better the teaching and learning of EFL in Chile.
We are so proud that our coordinator had the privilege of attending a selective and unique event.

The Shining network- Patricia participated at the English summer town

On January 13th The English Open doors program (PIAP) together with the British Council Chile organized The English summer town 2016 in which more than one hundred teachers participated. During those two days, Teachers dialogued, participated and shared with other teachers from Coquimbo, La Serena, Ovalle and other parts of the region and learned from national and international experts in a context of total immersion.
One of our members: Miss Patricia Leiva was there. Some of the topics studied there were: Interactive modeling and reinforcing expectations by the English language fellows, Assessing CPD and enhancing our teaching skills through reflecting practice.

We are so pleased that one of the members had represented our network, we know that Patricia had a wonderful time.

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación