jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

The Shining Network - Current members got outstanding results in the 2nd version of the Cervantes English Tournament

We are so proud to share some big news with our community, as some of our members from The Shining Network, managed to get some outstanding results in the second and highly anticipated version of Cervantes English Tournament 2015.

We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to
The ones that competed in this year's Song Festival:
Lorena Bonilla, who reached the 5th place
Cecilia Donoso, who reached the 6th place
and Jamilet Pizarro, who got the 2nd place with her students.

The ones that competed in the Spelling Bee Contest:
Patricia Leiva, who finished in the 18th place and 5th place in the contest
and José Espinoza, who got the 8th place and 2nd place with his students

The teachers that competed in the Public Speaking Competition
Karina Vejar, who got the 4th place and 1st place in this category
Claudio Molina, that reached the 9th place with his students,
Cecilia Donoso, who reached the 10th place with her student,
and José Espinoza that got this year's 3rd and 2nd place with his students.

and last but not least, the ones that competed in the Poetry Competition
Karina Vejar, that got the 3rd place in the competition and
José Espinoza that became this year's winner when training Javiera Rivera and reaching the 1st place.

The Shining Network is really pleased to know that one of our goals is being pursued and continuosly developed by our current members, we are sure that in the years to come the results will be even better!

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

The Shining Network - 2015's members about to compete in the 2nd version of the Cervantes English Tournament

As our network was selected to be a media partner for a second year in a row of the highly acclaimed event Cervantes English Tournament (CET), some of our members took the determination of competing into this highly anticipated English language event that is going to be held the 20th, 21st and 22nd of October. 

The tournament itself is composed by 4 categories, the Song Festival, Spelling Bee Contest, Public Speaking Competition and the Poetry Competition, all of them directed to students. In this ocassion, we are extremely proud to announce that most of our members are involved at least in one of them! In this sense, we want to extend the best of lucks to: 

Pamela Baeza, who will compete in the Song Festival.
Lorena Bonilla, who will compete in the Song Festival
Priscila Castellani, who will compete in Spelling Bee
Cecilia Donoso, who will compete in Song Festival, Spelling Bee and Public Speaking
Patricia Leiva, who will compete in the Spelling Bee
Claudio Molina, who will compete in Public Speaking
Jamilet Pizarro, who will compete in Song Festival
José Espinoza, who will compete in Spelling Bee, Public Speaking and Poetry
Karina Vejar, who will compete in Public Speaking and Poetry

We as a team, are completely sure that the students under our members' training are going to perform at their best in the disciplines mentioned above. Congratulations for having the determination of competiting into an event with such characteristics.

For more information about the event, log into www.cervantesenglishtournament.blogspot.com

domingo, 26 de julio de 2015

The Shining Network - Karina and Patricia at this year's British Council Workshop

On July 23rd The English Open Doors Program (PIAP) together with the British Council Chile organized a workshop called “Material selection, adaptation and design” that was given by Nicolas Dantaz at Liceo Ignacio Carrera Pinto in La Serena.

We are so pleased to announce that our network was in! as it was represented by two of our enthusiastic members Patricia Leiva and Karina Vejar, who shared with other teachers and learned about topics related to the use of materials and coursebook in our Chilean educational reality such as: Language teaching materials, materials evaluation and selection, among others. “The PIAP program should continue doing this kind of workshop in the future. We had a lot of fun! We enjoyed a lot and learned in a dynamic way” said Karina Vejar.

The Shining Network - Current members attended an exclusive Winter Workshop

On July, 15th some of our current members attended an exclusive Winter Workshop given by Lucrecia Prat Gay. The workshop called "Forget the common classroom: A creative brain-friendly lesson is possible" was held in the main hall of Trinity School and counted with the valuable collaboration of the Oxford University Press, Books & Bits and Libreria Inglesa as its sponsors. 

In that occassion, Priscila Castellani, José Espinoza and Tamara Ledezma had the priviledge of interacting with teachers coming from all across the region and had a blast in there! "I found it very interesting, I was engaged with the different topics during the two hours" mentioned Priscila. Our coordinator, José Espinoza, showed himself very enthusiastic as well, mentioning the following: "I love this kind of things, you always get to learn something new... and it was not an exception"

sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

The Shining Network - Internal Public Speaking Competition 2015

To the community:

We are really pleased to announce that for the second time, our network will organize the Internal Public Speaking Competition, an exclusve event particularly directed to those associated schools of our network!

In this 2nd version, we are happy to extend the invitation to all those students willing to compete in this meaningful event that pursues to provide an opportunity for students to show their abilities regarding the English language subject!

This interesting event will be held on September, Friday 25th in Los Clarines 2201, Sindempart - Coquimbo, so we extend the invitation for those who want to come in order to support their candidates by clicking in here in, to get the latest updates and information about the event.

RDI The Shining Network

The Shining Network - José Rodriguez representing us in the 2015's National Meeting of ETNs' Coordinators

From May, 27th up to May, 30th all Coordinators from the English Teacher Networks recognized by the Ministry of Education through the English Opens Doors Program gathered together once again in Concepción to share their experiences and to train themselves under some new allignments related to RDIs.

The meeting was held in Hotel El Dorado and counted with the participation of over 130 teachers from all over the country, ocassion in which our RDI was represented by our 2015's coordinator José Rodriguez, who showed himself really excited after having the possibility of sharing with teachers coming from all across the country!

The people in charge of giving the workshops included the well-known Martha Epperson, Ricardo Contreras and some of the brand new English language fellows from the EODP. "It was really nice to get to know people truly advocated to improve the learning of English at schools, this meeting was certainly something I will never forget" mentioned José.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

The Shining Network - Meetings 2015

Our 2015's working plan counts with 10 different meetings that are supposed to be held all year through. Take a look at some information extracted from our meetings in the information given below:

Month: MARCH, 2015
Welcoming speech from the General Coordinator of the Host School for the year 2015, General Allignments (Internal reglamentation and compromise letter), Delivery of some material coming from the PIAP, Official group photoshoot.

Month: APRIL, 2015
New allignments and reglamentations coming directly from the PIAP, First discussion about the new politics in relation to the educational reform, Conversation: The English language teacher's role in the 21st century.

Month: MAY, 2015
Informative coming from the PIAP, Upcoming English language tournaments. Conversation: Educational Reform. Presentation: Cambridge English Language Examinations by José Rodriguez (Download the presentation for free!)

Month: JUNE, 2015
Information about the 2015's National Meeting of ETN Coordinators held in Concepción. Information about FEP Inglés, ToT Project, The PME and its implications at schools, RDIs Financing Plan for the year 2015, English language development programmes for Teachers and Students.

Month: JULY, 2015

Month: AUGUST, 2015

MonthSEPTEMBER, 2015

Month: OCTOBER, 2015

Month: NOVEMBER, 2015

Month: DECEMBER, 2015

The Shining Network - 2015 Members


Pamela Baeza
English Language Teacher graduated from Instituto Profesional Valle Central
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Santa María de Belén

Lorena Bonilla
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Headteacher in the English Language Department from Colegio Cristobal Colón

Priscila Castellani
English Language Teacher candidate from Instituto Profesional Valle Central

Cecilia Donoso
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad del Mar
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio San Ignacio

Tamara Ledezma
English Language Teacher candidate from Universidad Pedro de Valdivia

Patricia Leiva
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Parroquial de Andacollo

Claudio Molina
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Cristobal Colón

Jamilet Pizarro
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Parroquial de Andacollo

José Rodriguez
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad Pedro de Valdivia
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Cervantes
Lecturer in Instituto Profesional Valle Central
2015's Coordinator*

Magaly Rojas
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral

Miguel Seura
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de Atacama
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Lambert
Lecturer in Instituto Profesional Valle Central

Carolina Toledo
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad Pedro de Valdivia

Andrea Veliz
English Language Teacher candidate from Instituto Profesional Valle Central

Karina Vejar
English Language Teacher graduated from Universidad de La Serena
Current English Language Teacher in Colegio Gabriela Mistral

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación