• English Language Teachers' Network recognized by the Ministry of Education

  • Commitment and Partnership

    We are proud to count with a valuable group of teachers willing to support each other

  • Meetings

    Each of our meetings is truly focused in the professional development of our very own members

  • Members

    All our integrants are willing to share their pedagogical experiences!

martes, 8 de agosto de 2017


Misión de la red The Shining Network

“La misión de la red The Shining Network es incidir en el uso del idioma Ingles en los estudiantes que pertenecen en los establecimientos asociados a nuestra red, mediante profesores de excelencia, motivados, comprometidos, innovadores y dinámicos que entreguen una educación integral que permita a los estudiantes desarrollar las habilidades en el idioma Ingles, además de contribuir a su formación valórica por medio de la realización de diversas actividades enfocados en la producción del idioma.”

jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Workshop with Cynthia Spoon

On May, 5th some of our current members attended an exclusive  Workshop given by Cynthia Spoon . The workshop was called "Methodology  Workshop" and it was held in Pentagon Hall of Universidad de La Serena. It also brought together former students of English Pedagogy and as well as teachers coming from all across the region.
The need to establish new ways of working in the methodologies of English language teaching marked this workshop. A situation that allowed Miss Spoon to converse with the guests, and also, to make a playful and practical work, very smilar to what it should be approached in the classroom.
"The Methodology Workshop, is part of the objectives and activities we have challenged ourselves to do, such as collaborating with classroom teachers in their professional development," said the Headmistress of the College of Pedagogy in Humanities, Dr. Berta San Martín.
It should be noted that Cynthia Spoon has done soem important work as training of English as a second language teachers of the Peace Corps in Estonia, has been director of International Student Services at Hood College, USA, established an education program at the Center for Refugees , Philippines, and in our country is English Language Fellow of the English Open Door Program, Ministry of Education for one year. He has also been in charge of the curriculum design of the English Summer Camp 2017 and has developed a work to strengthen the professional skills of English teachers of the different English Teacher Networks of the country.
It should be noted that Cynthia Spoon has done important work, such as: training of teachers of English as a second language of the Peace Corps in Estonia, has been director of International Student Services at Hood College, USA, she also established an education program At the Refugee Center in the Philippines, and in our country is English Language Fellow of the English Open Doors Program, Ministry of Education for one year. She has also been in charge of curriculum design for the English Summer Camp 2017 and has developed a work to strengthen the professional skills of English teachers of the different English Teacher Networks throughout the country.

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Our coordinator Miss Karina Vejar has been promoting the activities that we have done as a network as well as the special event that we organized last year: Coquimbo and its Hidden Treasure.
On November 15th,  Karina attendend a regional convention of English teacher hosted by PIAP programme accompanied by Miss Sofía Rojas and Miss Patty Leiva, two lovely members of our network . Then , on November 23rd; she attended an exclusive reunion at the Telefónica Tower, in Santiago. Finally,  she was invited by miss Berta San Martín, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from Universidad de La Serena, to lecture about her experience as an English teacher and coordinator of a network.
In all these activities, Miss Vejar had the opportunity to expound the work and activities performed by The Shining Network. She even designed a video where she could display the final product of all our hard work as a network: Coquimbo and its Hidden Treasure. 
She did her best in each activity , therefore, we felt very exultant and gratified  that our coordinator had the fortunate happening of attending a selective and matchless event.

If you want to check the video. Click on the link below:

Coquimbo and its Hidden treasure - 2016

On November, 2nd the; 1st version of the Drama Show "Coquimbo and its Hidden Treasure" was held in the Main Room of Colegio Gabriela Mistral located in El Llano, Coquimbo. The proyect was selected for the PIAP programme and it assembled an audience of more than 100 people; amng them there were teachers, students, principals and some other spectators of the show.
The event consisted on a trade show, each school set up a stand where the students explained to the audience about an specific place in Coquimbo, a place where the pirates supposely hid their treasure. At the end, the spectators could observe some students performing brillantly a dramatic entertaiment and find out what the Coquimbo treasure was really about. Likewise, the event was distinguished by the wonderful support provided by the directory of the host school.
In closing, the organizers involved in the event showed themselves really contented , as they achieved sucessfully the expectations set by the own members of the network. The Drama show was selected by the PIAP programme owing to its novelty and represented consummately our region.
"We do look forward to carrying on working in order to repeat the sucess."

    English Teacher Networks

    Programa Ingles Abre Puertas

    British Council Chile

    Ministerio de Educación